Protecting Your Data: StarRez's Rigorous Approach to Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Discover how StarRez ensures top-tier data privacy and cybersecurity through rigorous standards, continuous oversight, and industry-leading certifications.

In today’s digital landscape, trust and integrity are paramount. Organizations need to rely on their technology partners to safeguard sensitive data with the highest standards of security. At StarRez, we understand when it comes to data privacy and cybersecurity, trust is built on action: with rigorous standards and continuous oversight. That’s why we have dedicated in-house experts, including our Data Privacy Manager and DPO, who ensure our security measures are always at their highest.  

Our commitment to being a trusted partner is built on three pillars: comprehensive data privacy management, robust cybersecurity measures, and up-to-date certifications and audits. By entrusting your data to StarRez, you’re not just meeting regulatory requirements—you’re securing the confidence and peace of mind that comes with knowing your data is protected by the highest industry standards. Our dedication to privacy, security, and compliance sets us apart as a leader in the field.

Guardians of Data Privacy: How We Keep Your Data Safe & Secure

At StarRez, data privacy is not just a regulatory requirement but a core value that drives our operations and community relationships. Our commitment to safeguarding personal information is exemplified by our robust data privacy management framework, led by our dedicated Data Privacy Manager and DPO, Stephen Muff, alongside the Legal and Security teams.  

"At StarRez, ensuring global privacy compliance is our top priority, safeguarding your data with dedication and respect, and providing a dedicated team to address all data-related inquiries."

-Stephen Muff, Data Privacy Manager, StarRez

With a dedicated Data Privacy Management team, StarRez can perform comprehensive and meticulous tasks that encompass the following key areas:

  • Comprehensive Privacy Program Development: The Data Privacy Team oversees the creation and implementation of a thorough privacy program, including detailed policies, procedures, and guidelines. These are designed to manage the collection, storage, and use of data securely.
  • Data Inventory Management: A critical part of our privacy framework is maintaining a detailed register of all data. This register outlines where data is stored, the business purposes it serves, and the legal basis for its use, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Regulatory Compliance: To comply with relevant privacy laws and regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, StarRez monitors and evaluates our compliance continuously. This proactive approach helps us stay ahead of regulatory changes and protect our community’s data effectively.
  • Primary Contact for Privacy Issues: Our Data Privacy Manager handles privacy-related inquiries both internally and externally, maintaining clear and open lines of communication regarding data privacy.
  • Data Privacy Impact Assessments (DPIAs): A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) is a systematic process used to identify, assess, and minimize the privacy risks associated with processing personal data, as required by data protection regulations like the GDPR.
  • Employee Training and Education: Continuous training and education are provided to all StarRez employees, keeping our team well-versed in privacy best practices. This helps create a culture of privacy awareness and compliance across the organization.
  • Subject Matter Expertise: Expert advice on various privacy-related programs and initiatives is provided, with collaboration across departments to integrate privacy into all facets of StarRez’s operations.
  • Executive Briefings: Regular briefings with the VP of Legal on privacy matters help our leadership stay informed and able to make strategic decisions regarding data protection.

These extensive efforts show StarRez’s commitment that the privacy of our community is protected, establishing us as a trusted partner in the realm of data privacy.

Your Data, Our Priority: Our Cybersecurity Promise

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is paramount, especially for student housing teams and educational institutions that handle sensitive student data. The stakes have never been higher; in the United States alone, cybercrime losses exceeded $12.5 billion last year, marking a 22% increase from 2022, according to Proofpoint. With the growing rate of cybercrime, and the diverse management of sensitive information, robust cybersecurity measures are essential.

At StarRez, we recognize the critical importance of cybersecurity and have made it our mission to maintain the trust of our community with their most sensitive data. For example, our cybersecurity strategy includes adherence to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which is crucial for any housing operation's security protocol, especially given the rise in credit card fraud, identity theft, and data breaches. By meeting the highest security standards, including PCI DSS, we demonstrate our commitment to safeguarding payment data and protecting our community from potential cyber threats.

In addition to PCI DSS compliance, StarRez has recently achieved the Cyber Essentials Plus certification, further exemplifying our devotion to cybersecurity. The Cyber Essentials Plus certification demonstrates that StarRez has successfully implemented a robust set of cybersecurity controls to mitigate the risk of common cyber threats. By adhering to these industry-recognized standards, StarRez safeguards our systems against a wide range of cyber threats, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to upholding the highest level of cybersecurity for members of our community.

Our approach to cybersecurity is comprehensive and proactive, ensuring that our team and community can operate with confidence knowing their data is secure. For more insights into how the cybersecurity landscape is evolving, and the steps we are taking to stay ahead of these changes, please visit our detailed blog post on the topic: The Changing Cybersecurity Landscape in Housing.

Scoring Straight A’s: Third-Party Audits, Credentials, and Certifications

At StarRez, maintaining the highest standards of security and compliance is a continuous process. We implement and monitor a comprehensive range of controls across all our solutions – internally and externally – to maintain security assessments that are up-to-date and accurate. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our multiple third-party certifications for security, which include:

  1. SOC 2 Type II: This certification requires strict information security policies and procedures, ensuring the security, availability, processing integrity, and confidentiality of cloud data.
  1. PCI DSS Level 1: As a Level 1 PCI DSS Service Provider, our handling of payment processes is rigorously checked annually, ensuring we meet the highest standards for secure payment data processing.
  1. FERPA-Ready: StarRez supports compliance with FERPA requirements, agreeing to act as a school official when handling regulated student data, thus ensuring the confidentiality and security of student information.
  1. Cyber Essentials Plus: This certification demonstrates our commitment to cybersecurity, helping us guard against the most common cyber threats and providing assurance of our robust security measures.

By adhering to these stringent standards and maintaining these certifications, StarRez assures data is protected by best-in-class security practices. Our dedication to ongoing security assessments and updates means that we are always prepared to meet new challenges in the cybersecurity landscape.

Through rigorous data privacy management, robust cybersecurity practices, and up-to-date certifications, StarRez establishes itself as a trusted partner, committed to safeguarding your data. To learn more about our Security standard at StarRez, connect with a member of our team or visit our website!  


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