6 Tips to Effectively Market Your Room Selection Process to Students

Discover essential tips to effectively market your room selection process to enhance the overall student experience.
A smooth and efficient room selection process is crucial for both students and university administrators. When room selection goes smoothly, happy students are less likely to bog down your staff with questions and concerns, resulting in higher staff satisfaction as well. To ensure the success of this process, effective marketing is essential. Students can be overwhelmed with all of the administrative tasks on their plate during the academic year. It's important to break through the noise and get their attention with unique marketing tactics to ensure they receive and understand the information around room selection. In this article, we'll explore six key tips to market your room selection process, from preparation to continued visibility.

Essential Tips to Effectively Market Your Room Selection Process:

1. Preparation is Key and the Foundation of Success

2. Important Dates Set Milestones for Your Plans

3. Diverse Communication Methods Reach Every Corner of Your Audience

4. Collaborating with Campus Partners Increases Support

5. Craft Unique and Targeted Messaging

6. Plan and Execute Continued Visibility

In a recent session hosted by Senior Marketing Communication Specialist, A.J. D’Ottavio, discover insights into how you can effectively market your room selection campaign in the video below.  

1. Preparation is Key and the Foundation of Success

Before launching into any marketing efforts, a solid foundation must be laid through meticulous preparation. Create a comprehensive plan that details every aspect of the room selection process. Clearly outline the steps involved, establish realistic timelines, and anticipate potential challenges. By having a well-defined plan, you not only provide a roadmap for students but also instill confidence in your room selection process from the beginning.

Specifically, think about gathering the following:

  1. Marketing materials you’ll need to create and execute.
  1. Branding and logo materials.
  1. Information about your target audience(s).
  1. A start-to-finish plan detailing your room selection process.
  1. Resources you already have and know about to market your process.
  1. Specific marketing milestones and your goal to work against.

2. Important Dates Set Milestones for Your Plans

Clear communication of important dates is paramount. Develop a visual calendar that prominently features key milestones, including application deadlines, room assignment announcements, and payment due dates. Distribute this calendar through various channels, such as email newsletters, social media, and campus bulletin boards. Reinforce these dates through regular reminders to keep students informed and empower them to plan effectively.

Room selection marketing

An important consideration to make when planning your room selection milestones is to be aware of other important university initiatives that could conflict with your room selection. For example, you would not want to schedule important dates for room selection while your institution would be conducting their class registration for the following term. Your students will be less engaged in your process and will inherently not be receptive to the information you are trying to convey.  

When you are thinking about your timeline of events for marketing room selection, consider the following questions:

  1. What dates are your room selection process?
  1. When are your applications available?
  1. Are there any accommodation deadlines students need to submit?
  1. Are there any important university deadlines students must meet to participate in your process, like the clearing of holds?
  1. What is your schedule after room selection?

3. Diverse Communication Methods Reach Every Corner of Your Audience

Effective communication requires reaching students through various channels. While traditional methods, like email, are essential, consider diversifying your approach. Utilize the power of social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook User Groups, to share visually appealing content and updates. Host informational sessions, webinars, or Q&A sessions to directly address students' concerns.  

It’s important to consider that antiquated ways of communicating do still serve an important purpose in the grand scheme of communicating with your community. For example, while teams may jump to creating digital content, like email and social media posts, to market room selection, creating a physical item like a door hanger could be just as effective. A door hanger could deliver a quick, informative touch point for your residents that opens the door for them to search and receive more about your process. Identify what methods will resonate the most with your community. Here are some important dos and don’ts with communication methods:


  • Utilize all communication methods for your process.  
  • Plan when and how you want to use the communication methods.  


  • Rely on email and a few social media posts.  
  • Utilize older methods of communication. A blend of old and new approaches will be more effective.

The more varied your communication methods, the wider your reach, ensuring that no student is left uninformed.

Room selection marketing

4. Collaborating with Campus Partners Increases Support

A collaborative approach with campus partners enhances the overall room selection experience. Engage with residence life staff, student affairs, and other relevant departments to create a cohesive marketing strategy. Leverage their expertise to address specific concerns or questions that may arise during the process. By presenting a united front, you not only enhance the credibility of your room selection process but also provide students with a more comprehensive support system. The main goal of including your campus partners in your marketing plans is to help extend your reach and utilize the resources they possess!

5. Craft Unique and Targeted Messaging

Understanding your audience is the key to crafting targeted messaging. Tailor your communication to address the unique needs and concerns of different populations. Whether it is focusing on the transition for first-year students, accommodating transfer students, or meeting the specific requirements of diverse groups, personalized and relatable content resonates more effectively. This approach fosters a sense of connection between the university and its diverse student body.

When crafting your messaging for your target audience, it is important to remember that you are the expert when it comes to your room selection process because you have built it. When communicating with your target audience, the “story” should be simple and easy to digest. Your audience are outsiders looking in and it is best to explain the journey of room selection concisely. Get to the point!

Room selection marketing

6. Plan and Execute Continued Visibility

Maintain a consistent and visible presence throughout the room selection process. Regularly update students on the progress of the selection process, celebrate milestones, and transparently address any challenges that may arise. Utilize feedback from previous years to improve future processes, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement. By sustaining visibility, you reinforce trust and transparency, ultimately enhancing the overall student experience.

Effectively marketing your room selection process requires a strategic and comprehensive approach. From meticulous preparation to continued visibility, each tip plays a crucial role in creating a positive and engaging experience for students. By implementing these six strategies, you can ensure that your room selection process not only runs smoothly but also becomes a highlight in fostering a strong and supportive campus community.

Learn how StarRez can significantly enhance the effectiveness of these efforts, improving communication, organization, and resource allocation for improved staff and student satisfaction.


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